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Navigation overview

Decompose provides the ability to create permanent child components using the childStack extension function. But if you need to dynamically switch child components, then navigation comes in handy.

Currently, Decompose provides two predefined navigation models:

  • Child Stack - prefer this way if you need to organize child components in a stack and navigate between them.
  • Child Slot - prefer this way if you need to activate-dismiss one child component at a time.
  • Child Pages - prefer this way if you need to organize child components in a list with one selected component.

If none of this fit your needs, Decompose introduces Generic Navigation that can be used to create your own custom navigation models. It offers a flexible API and allows you to create almost any kind of navigation.

It is possible to have more than one navigation model in a parent component. Make sure that you supplied different keys (the key argument) if you have two or more navigation models of the same kind (e.g. you have two Child Stacks in one parent component).

Component configurations and child factories

The term Configuration is widely used in Decompose navigation. A configuration is a persistent class that represents a child component and contains all its arguments (not dependencies). Decompose automatically persists child configurations using StateKeeper, so child components are automatically recreated on events like Android configuration changes, process death, etc.

Usually, you initialize a navigation by supplying a child factory function to Decompose. The function accepts a child configuration and ComponentContext and returns a new instance of the corresponding child component - (Config, ComponentContext) -> Child. When you need to navigate, you call a navigation method and pass a configuration there. Decompose automatically creates and manages a ComponentContext for every child component, and calls the provided factory function when a new instance of a child component is required. This is where you should instantiate child components and supply dependencies, the configuration only provides persistent arguments and is used to distinguish which component to create.

Configuration requirements

Configurations must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be immutable
  2. Correctly implement equals() and hashCode() methods
  3. Implement Parcelable interface (or be @Serializable starting with v1.3.0-alpha01)

Different kinds of navigation may have additional requirements for configurations. It's recommended to define configurations as data class, and use only val properties and immutable data structures.

Configurations are @Serializable

Configurations can be persisted via Android's saved state, thus allowing the navigation state to be restored after configuration changes or process death. Decompose relies on kotlinx-serialization library for persistence. Each configuration class should be annotated as @Serializable, or a custom serializer should be implemented manually.

Please make sure you setup kotlinx-serialization correctly and applied the plugin.


On Android the amount of data that can be preserved is limited. Please mind the size of configurations.

The navigation API is thread-safe, technically the navigation can be performed on any thread. However, it's strongly recommended to initialize and perform the navigation on the Main thread. Since the navigation is performed synchronously, Decompose instantiates components and calls lifecycle callbacks on the current thread. Navigating on a background thread may cause unexpected behaviour.


Always initialize and perform the navigation on the Main thread.

Decompose tries its best to detect when the navigation is performed on a non-main thread. When it happens, Decompose calls the special error handler - onDecomposeError. By default, it prints the exception to logs, however you can override the default behaviour by providing your own handler.