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Decompose provides a number of modules, they are all published to Maven Central Repository.

The main Decompose module

The main functionality is provided by the decompose module. It contains some core features like:

  • ComponentContext - provides API for components to manage lifecycle, state saving, etc.
  • Value - Multiplatform (Swift-friendly) observable state holder (allows observing state changes in the UI).
  • Child Stack - stack navigation model.
  • defaultComponentContext - creates a default ComponentContext attached to an Activity or Fragment on Android.
  • And many other important APIs.

This module should be imported into build.gradle.kts for shared application module at kotlin.sourceSets.commonMain.dependencies.

If you are having Android module (androidApp or composeApp if using KMP Wizard) this dependency also needs to be added into build.gradle.kts for Android module at android.dependencies to allow Android code access to above functionality

implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose:<version>"

Dependency on Essenty library

Some functionality is actually provided by Essenty library. Essenty is implemented by the same author and provides very basic things like Lifecycle, StateKeeper, etc. Most important Essenty modules are added to the decompose module as api dependency, so you don't have to add them manually to your project. Please familiarise yourself with Essenty library.


If you are targetting Android, make sure you applied the kotlin-parcelize Gradle plugin.

Extensions for Jetpack and Multiplatform Compose

Compose is currently published in two separate variants:

  • The one developed and maintained by Google is Android only, called Jetpack Compose.
  • The Kotlin Multiplatform variant of Jetpack Compose maintained by both JetBrains and Google, called Multiplatform Compose.

Due to this fragmentation Decompose provides two separate extension modules for Compose:

implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetpack:<version>"
// or
implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains:<version>"
// or

Both modules are used to connect Compose with Decompose components. Please see the corresponding documentation page. Typically only one module should be selected, depending on the Compose variant being used.

Since Decompose version v3.0.0-alpha01 there is just one extension module for Compose - compatible with both Jetpack Compose and Multiplatform Compose.

implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose:<version>"

The module is used to connect Compose with Decompose components. Please see the corresponding documentation page.

Support for Compose for iOS and Web (JS/Canvas and Wasm)

Compose for iOS and Web (JS/Canvas, not Wasm) are supported and published from a separate branch: compose-experimental. This means that a special version suffix for all Decompose modules is required when configuring dependencies. Please note that Wasm target is not supported on versions older than v3.0.0-alpha01.

implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:decompose:<version>-compose-experimental"
implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-compose-jetbrains:<version>-compose-experimental"

All Compose variants (Android, JVM/Desktop, Native/iOS, Native/macOS, JS/Canvas, Wasm) are published from the main branch, please add dependencies as usual (no version suffixes required).

Extensions for Android views

The extensions-android module provides extensions to connect Android views (older alternative to Compose UI) to Decompose components. Please head to the corresponding documentation page for more information.

Gradle setup

implementation "com.arkivanov.decompose:extensions-android:<version>"

Exporting Decompose to iOS Framework

For using Decompose on your iOS project you need to export it to the iOS Framework.

Regular Framework

kotlin {
        .filter { == Family.IOS }
        .forEach {
            it.binaries.framework {


                // Optional, only if you need state preservation on Darwin (Apple) targets

                // Optional, only if you need state preservation on Darwin (Apple) targets


kotlin {
    cocoapods {
        framework {


            // Optional, only if you need state preservation on Darwin (Apple) targets

            // Optional, only if you need state preservation on Darwin (Apple) targets