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Extensions for Jetpack/JetBrains Compose

Extensions and utilities for easier integration of Decompose with Jetpack and Multiplatform Compose.


Please see the corresponding Installation docs section.

ProGuard rules for Compose for Desktop (JVM)

If you support Compose for Desktop, you will need to add the following rule for ProGuard, so that the app works correctly in release mode. See Minification & obfuscation section in Compose docs for more information.

-keep class com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.mainthread.SwingMainThreadChecker

Converting Value to State

To convert Decompose Value to Compose State use Value<T>.subscribeAsState(): State<T> extension function:

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.subscribeAsState
import com.arkivanov.decompose.value.Value

interface SomeComponent {
    val model: Value<Model>

    data class Model(/*...*/)

fun SomeContent(component: SomeComponent) {
    val model: State<SomeComponent.Model> = component.model.subscribeAsState()

    // Or use the delegation pattern
    val model by component.model.subscribeAsState()

Controlling the Lifecycle on Desktop

When using JetBrains Compose, you can have the LifecycleRegistry react to changes in the window state using the LifecycleController() composable. This will trigger appropriate lifecycle events when the window is minimized, restored or closed.

It is also possible to manually start the lifecycle using LifecycleRegistry.resume() when the instance is created.

import androidx.compose.ui.window.Window
import androidx.compose.ui.window.application
import androidx.compose.ui.window.rememberWindowState
import com.arkivanov.decompose.DefaultComponentContext
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.lifecycle.LifecycleController
import com.arkivanov.essenty.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry

fun main() {
    val lifecycle = LifecycleRegistry()

    val root =
        runOnUiThread {

    application {
        val windowState = rememberWindowState()
        LifecycleController(lifecycle, windowState)

        Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication, state = windowState) {


When using Compose in desktop platforms, make sure to always use one of the methods above, or your components might not receive lifecycle events correctly.


You can find the runOnUiThread method here.

Observing the navigation state manually

In most of the cases there is no need to manually observe the navigation state. One of the ways described in the sections below can be used instead. For instance, it's advised to use the Children function to display a stack of components. However, in some cases observing the navigation state manually can be useful. Every navigation model exposes its state as Value<T>, which makes it possible to observe the navigation state in Compose just as any other state.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.subscribeAsState

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
    val stack by component.childStack.subscribeAsState()
    // Use the stack variable here

The Child Stack navigation model provides ChildStack as Value<ChildStack> that can be observed in a Composable component. This makes it possible to switch child Composable components following the ChildStack changes.

Both Compose extension modules provide the Children(...) function which has the following features:

  • It listens for the ChildStack changes and displays the corresponding child Composable component using the provided slot lambda.
  • It preserves components' UI state (e.g. scrolling position) in the back stack and over configuration changes and process death.
  • It animates between children if there is an animation spec provided.

Here is an example of switching child components on navigation:

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.router.stack.ChildStack
import com.arkivanov.decompose.value.Value
import com.sample.shared.RootComponent.Child.DetailsChild
import com.sample.shared.RootComponent.Child.MainChild

// Root

interface RootComponent {
    val childStack: Value<ChildStack<*, Child>>

    sealed class Child {
        data class MainChild(val component: MainComponent) : Child()
        data class DetailsChild(val component: DetailsComponent) : Child()

fun RootContent(rootComponent: RootComponent) {
    Children(rootComponent.childStack) {
        when (val child = it.instance) {
            is MainChild -> MainContent(child.component)
            is DetailsChild -> DetailsContent(child.component)

// Children

interface MainComponent

interface DetailsComponent

fun MainContent(component: MainComponent) {
    // Omitted code

fun DetailsContent(component: DetailsComponent) {
    // Omitted code

Child Slot navigation with Compose

Child Slot navigation model can be used for different purposes. It can be used to just show/hide a certain part of UI, or to present a dialog, or a sheet (like Material Bottom Sheet). Although Decompose doesn't provide any special Compose API for Child Slot, it's pretty easy to do it manually.

AlertDialog example
import androidx.compose.material.AlertDialog
import androidx.compose.material.Text
import androidx.compose.material.TextButton
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.subscribeAsState
import com.arkivanov.decompose.router.slot.ChildSlot
import com.arkivanov.decompose.value.Value

interface RootComponent {
    val dialog: Value<ChildSlot<*, DialogComponent>>

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
    val dialogSlot by component.dialog.subscribeAsState()
    dialogSlot.child?.instance?.also {
        DialogContent(component = it)

interface DialogComponent {
    fun onDismissClicked()

fun DialogContent(component: DialogComponent) {
        onDismissRequest = component::onDismissClicked,
        title = { Text(text = "Title") },
        text = { Text(text = "Message") },
        confirmButton = {
            TextButton(onClick = component::onDismissClicked) {
        modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp),


Child Slot might not be suitable for a Navigation Drawer. This is because the Navigation Drawer can be opened by a drag gesture at any time. The corresponding component should be always created so that it's always ready to be rendered.

Pager-like navigation


This navigation model is experimental, the API is subject to change.

The Child Pages navigation model provides ChildPages as Value<ChildPages> that can be observed in a Composable component.

Both Compose extension modules provide the Pages(...) function which has the following features:

  • It listens for the ChildPages changes and displays child components using HorizontalPager or VerticalPager (see the related Jetpack Compose documentation).
  • It animates page changes if there is an animation spec provided.
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.pages.Pages
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.pages.PagesScrollAnimation

fun PagesContent(component: PagesComponent) {
        pages = component.pages,
        onPageSelected = component::selectPage,
        scrollAnimation = PagesScrollAnimation.Default,
    ) { _, page ->

fun PageContent(component: PageComponent) {
    // Omitted code


Decompose provides Child Animation API for Compose, as well as some predefined animation specs. To enable child animations you need to pass the animation argument to the Children function. There are predefined animators provided by Decompose.

Fade animation

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.fade
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation(fade()),
    ) {
        // Omitted code

Slide animation

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.slide
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation(slide()),
    ) {
        // Omitted code

Combining animators

It is also possible to combine animators using the plus operator. Please note that the order matters - the right animator is applied after the left animator.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.fade
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.scale
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation(fade() + scale())
    ) {
        // Omitted code

Separate animations for children

Previous examples demonstrate simple cases, when all children have the same animation. But it is also possible to specify separate animations for children.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.fade
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.scale
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.slide
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation { child ->
            when (child.instance) {
                is MainChild -> fade() + scale()
                is DetailsChild -> fade() + slide()
    ) {
        // Omitted code

It is also possible to take into account the other child and the animation direction when selecting the animation.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation { child, otherChild, direction ->
            // Select and return an animator here
    ) {
        // Omitted code

Default stack animations

By default, the Children function (and all other functions with stack animations) does not animate stack changes, the change is performed instantly. The default stack animation is configurable, so that it's possible to avoid specifying the same animation multiple times.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionLocalProvider
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.LocalStackAnimationProvider
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.StackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.StackAnimationProvider
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.scale
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.slide
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun App() {
    CompositionLocalProvider(LocalStackAnimationProvider provides DefaultStackAnimationProvider) {
        // The rest of the code

private object DefaultStackAnimationProvider : StackAnimationProvider {
    override fun <C : Any, T : Any> provide(): StackAnimation<C, T> =
        stackAnimation(slide() + scale())

Custom animations

It is also possible to define custom animations.

Implementing StackAnimation

This is the most flexible low-level API. The animation block receives the current ChildStack and animates children using the provided content slot.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import com.arkivanov.decompose.Child
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.router.stack.ChildStack

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = someAnimation(),
    ) {
        // Omitted code

fun <C : Any, T : Any> someAnimation(): StackAnimation<C, T> =
    StackAnimation { stack: ChildStack<C, T>,
                     modifier: Modifier,
                     content: @Composable (Child.Created<C, T>) -> Unit ->
        // Render each frame here

Implementing StackAnimator

The stackAnimation function takes care of tracking the ChildStack changes. StackAnimator is only responsible for manipulating the Modifier in the given direction, and calling onFinished at the end.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.Direction
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimator
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation(someAnimator()),
    ) {
        // Omitted code

fun someAnimator(): StackAnimator =
    StackAnimator { direction: Direction,
                    isInitial: Boolean,
                    onFinished: () -> Unit,
                    content: @Composable (Modifier) -> Unit ->
        // Manipulate the Modifier in the given direction and call onFinished at the end

Using stackAnimator function

This is the simplest, but less powerful way. The stackAnimator function takes care of running the animation. Its block has a very limited responsibility - to render the current frame using the provided factor and direction.

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.Direction
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimator
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimator

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = stackAnimation(someAnimator()),
    ) {
        // Omitted code

fun someAnimator(): StackAnimator =
    stackAnimator { factor: Float,
                    direction: Direction,
                    content: (Modifier) -> Unit ->
        // Render the current frame

Please refer to the predefined animators (fade, slide, etc.) for implementation examples.

Predictive Back Gesture


Predictive Back Gesture support is experimental, the API is subject to change. For now, please use version 2.1.x.

Child Stack supports the new Android Predictive Back Gesture on all platforms. By default, the gesture animation resembles the predictive back design for Android, but it's customizable.

To enable the gesture, first implement BackHandlerOwner interface in your component with Child Stack, then just pass predictiveBackAnimation to the Children function.

import com.arkivanov.decompose.ComponentContext
import com.arkivanov.decompose.router.stack.ChildStack
import com.arkivanov.decompose.router.stack.StackNavigation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.value.Value
import com.arkivanov.essenty.backhandler.BackHandlerOwner

interface RootComponent : BackHandlerOwner {
    val childStack: Value<ChildStack<...>>

    fun onBackClicked()

class DefaultRootComponent(
    componentContext: ComponentContext,
) : ComponentContext by componentContext, BackHandlerOwner {
    private val navigation = StackNavigation<Config>()

    // ComponentContext already implements BackHandlerOwner, no need to implement it separately

    // Omitted body

    override fun onBackClicked() {
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.fade
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.predictiveback.predictiveBackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.scale
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = predictiveBackAnimation(
            backHandler = component.backHandler,
            fallbackAnimation = stackAnimation(fade() + scale()), // Your usual animation here
            onBack = component::onBackClicked,
    ) {
        // Omitted code

Predefined animations

By default, the gesture animation resembles the predictive back design for Android on all platforms.

Standard Android-like system animation

The androidPredictiveBackAnimatable API resembles the standard back gesture animation used on some Android devices (e.g. in system settings on Pixel phones).

import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.fade
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.predictiveback.androidPredictiveBackAnimatable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.predictiveback.predictiveBackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.scale
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.stack.animation.stackAnimation

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = predictiveBackAnimation(
            backHandler = component.backHandler,
            fallbackAnimation = stackAnimation(fade() + scale()),
            selector = { backEvent, _, _ -> androidPredictiveBackAnimatable(backEvent) },
            onBack = component::onBackClicked,
    ) {
        // Omitted code

Predictive Back Gesture on Android

On Android, the predictive back gesture only works starting with Android T. On Android T, it works only between Activities, if enabled in the system settings. Starting with Android U, the predictive back gesture can be enabled between Child Stack screens inside a single Activity.

Predictive Back Gesture on other platforms

On all other platforms, the predictive back gesture can be enabled by showing a special overlay that automatically handles the gesture and manipulates BackDispatcher as needed.

  1. Create BackDispatcher and assign it to a variable.
  2. Create the root DefaultComponentContext and pass the previously created BackDispatcher as backHandler argument.
  3. Pass the same BackDispatcher to PredictiveBackGestureOverlay.
Using Composable PredictiveBackGestureOverlay on iOS
import androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons
import androidx.compose.material.icons.filled.ArrowBack
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.window.ComposeUIViewController
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.PredictiveBackGestureIcon
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.PredictiveBackGestureOverlay
import com.arkivanov.essenty.backhandler.BackDispatcher
import platform.UIKit.UIViewController

fun rootViewController(root: RootComponent, backDispatcher: BackDispatcher): UIViewController =
    ComposeUIViewController {
            backDispatcher = backDispatcher,
            backIcon = { progress, _ ->
                    imageVector = Icons.Default.ArrowBack,
                    progress = progress,
            modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
        ) {
            RootContent(component = root, modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize())

Predictive Back Gesture on iOS

It is possible to customize the predictive back gesture, so it looks native-ish on iOS.

In commonMain source set
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.Children
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.essenty.backhandler.BackHandler

fun RootContent(component: RootComponent) {
        stack = component.childStack,
        animation = backAnimation(
            backHandler = component.backHandler,
            onBack = component::onBackClicked,
    ) {
        // Omitted code

expect fun <C : Any, T : Any> backAnimation(
    backHandler: BackHandler,
    onBack: () -> Unit,
): StackAnimation<C, T>
In androidMain source set
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.fade
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.predictiveback.predictiveBackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.essenty.backhandler.BackHandler

actual fun <C : Any, T : Any> backAnimation(
    backHandler: BackHandler,
    onBack: () -> Unit,
): StackAnimation<C, T> =
        backHandler = backHandler,
        fallbackAnimation = stackAnimation(fade()),
        onBack = onBack,
In iosMain source set
import androidx.compose.animation.core.FiniteAnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.drawWithContent
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layout
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.StackAnimator
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.isFront
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.predictiveback.predictiveBackAnimatable
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.predictiveback.predictiveBackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimation
import com.arkivanov.decompose.extensions.compose.jetbrains.stack.animation.stackAnimator
import com.arkivanov.essenty.backhandler.BackHandler

actual fun <C : Any, T : Any> backAnimation(
    backHandler: BackHandler,
    onBack: () -> Unit,
): StackAnimation<C, T> =
        backHandler = backHandler,
        fallbackAnimation = stackAnimation(iosLikeSlide()),
        selector = { initialBackEvent, _, _ ->
                initialBackEvent = initialBackEvent,
                exitModifier = { progress, _ -> Modifier.slideExitModifier(progress = progress) },
                enterModifier = { progress, _ -> Modifier.slideEnterModifier(progress = progress) },
        onBack = onBack,

private fun iosLikeSlide(animationSpec: FiniteAnimationSpec<Float> = tween()): StackAnimator =
    stackAnimator(animationSpec = animationSpec) { factor, direction, content ->
                .then(if (direction.isFront) Modifier else Modifier.fade(factor + 1F))
                .offsetXFactor(factor = if (direction.isFront) factor else factor * 0.5F)

private fun Modifier.slideExitModifier(progress: Float): Modifier =

private fun Modifier.slideEnterModifier(progress: Float): Modifier =
    fade(progress).offsetXFactor((progress - 1f) * 0.5f)

private fun Modifier.fade(factor: Float) =
    drawWithContent {
        drawRect(color = Color(red = 0F, green = 0F, blue = 0F, alpha = (1F - factor) / 4F))

private fun Modifier.offsetXFactor(factor: Float): Modifier =
    layout { measurable, constraints ->
        val placeable = measurable.measure(constraints)

        layout(placeable.width, placeable.height) {
            placeable.placeRelative(x = (placeable.width.toFloat() * factor).toInt(), y = 0)