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Instance retaining (aka ViewModel)

Sometimes it might be necessary to keep an object in memory (retain the instance) in a component when it gets recreated. This commonly used in Android when configuration changes occur. Many Android developers are used to AndroidX ViewModel, however Decompose takes a different approach. The ComponentContext interface extends the InstanceKeeperOwner interface, which provides the InstanceKeeper - a multiplatform abstraction for instances retaining. It is provided by Essenty library (from the same author).

The decompose module adds Essenty's instance-keeper module as api dependency, so you don't need to explicitly add it to your project. Please familiarise yourself with Essenty library, especially with the InstanceKeeper.

Usage example

import com.arkivanov.decompose.ComponentContext
import com.arkivanov.essenty.instancekeeper.InstanceKeeper
import com.arkivanov.essenty.instancekeeper.getOrCreate

class SomeComponent(
    componentContext: ComponentContext
) : ComponentContext by componentContext {

    private val someLogic = instanceKeeper.getOrCreate { SomeLogic() }

     * Instances of this class will be retained (not destroyed on configuration changes).
     * This is equivalent to AndroidX ViewModel.
     * ⚠️ Pay attention to not leak any dependencies, 
     * e.g. don't make this class `inner`, and don't pass dependencies like Activity Context into it.
    private class SomeLogic : InstanceKeeper.Instance {
        override fun onDestroy() {
            // Clean-up

Usage example (experimental since version 3.2.0-alpha02)

import com.arkivanov.decompose.ComponentContext
import com.arkivanov.essenty.instancekeeper.InstanceKeeper
import com.arkivanov.essenty.instancekeeper.retainedInstance

class SomeComponent(
    componentContext: ComponentContext
) : ComponentContext by componentContext {

    private val someLogic = retainedInstance { SomeLogic() }

     * Instances of this class will be retained (not destroyed on configuration changes).
     * This is equivalent to AndroidX ViewModel.
     * ⚠️ Pay attention to not leak any dependencies,
     * e.g. don't make this class `inner`, and don't pass dependencies like Activity Context into it.
    private class SomeLogic : InstanceKeeper.Instance {
        override fun onDestroy() {
            // Clean-up

Retained components

Although discouraged, it is still possible to have all components retained over configuration changes on Android. On the one hand, this makes InstanceKeeper no longer required. But on the other hand, this prevents from supplying dependencies that capture the hosting Activity or Fragment.


Pay attention when supplying dependencies to a retained component to avoid leaking the hosting Activity or Fragment.


The retainedComponent function must only be called once during the lifetime of the host Activity or Fragment, typically in onCreate. Calling it a second time will result in a crash.

import android.os.Bundle
import com.arkivanov.decompose.retainedComponent

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        val root =
            retainedComponent { componentContext ->